Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Prairie Project Cleanup

Annie's very excited about her prairie restoration project and today she spent some time cleaning up one of the lots. She's decided to concentrate her efforts on two this year and get them under way, and then add a couple more lots each year depending on the success of papa and mama prairie.

One of the lots is right next door to our house. It's the empty lot that houses our water well and fruit trees. We have a Pear tree and two Apple trees. Today, Annie picked up old wood, metal scraps and trash. She also picked up big rocks to get the land ready for tilling in a month or so depending on the first freeze.

From what Annie has read, the process is to till the ground, exposing the existing roots of the things you don't want growing there. During the winter, since the roots are exposed, this unwanted vegetation will die off, allowing for a clean barren plot to plant on in the Spring.

The second lot of choice wasn't a $10 lot. This lot was a bit more, but well worth it. It's

got some nice features, such as an existing little shed, which Annie is planning on painting some vibrant color. A fence surrounds the back part of the lot. The little plot also has two parts which Annie plans on making the smaller section a sitting area with a few stone benches.

Annie got a great comment today which I'll share:

John Snowden said:

Annie: What a beautiful sentiment for such a young girl! I firmly believe God invented prairie grass so He could listen to His own voice playing on the wind, and reassure us that there are good things in the world. I suggest that you ask your mother to take you along the nearest railroad tracks, but safely, and look for grasses with real windmills on top. That would most likely be Hooded Windmillgrass, a really neat, native prairie grass for your area. Get some seeds, and maybe get some transplants in the winter and nurture them with some water next spring. They will grow nicely! The Grassman, Arlington

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