Thursday, May 14, 2009


Look on my blog everyone my dog can do tricks. Theres bed time story and sit and look into space
like a idiot and that's it.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Running in the Heat

Wink held its yearly Pee Wee track meat. All the classes were sitting on the football field like every year, but this year there were canopys. That shooldnt be a big deal. But it was becaus it was really really really really hot. It was so hot you could fry an egg on the sidewalk (i've tryed that before) .

I had a good time. I got lots of 2nd places and a 3rd place and a 4th place. My broter said he was going to disone me because I didn't get a first. So, I'm planning to be mean to him when he lest expecs it.

My favorite heat was the 300 m...Tristan's was the quarter relay. I liked the 300 becaus I passed up two girls and came in 2nd. My other favorite part was eating the snacks that mom bought for me...mmm...limon chips. Overall, it was a really fun day, but really hot.

Monday, May 4, 2009

A Day With Friends in the Pasture

I went to my friend's Sara's house...she has a big cow pasture out back behind her house. When you think of pastures, you might get an image in your head of rolling green hills, but not so in West's quite a barren desert, cactus, and dirt...lots of dirt.

We started off with icecream and then we went outside to Sara's old house. We played around in there for a little bit, until Sara asked if we wanted to see something cool. Gabi and I were all for it. She told us that we were going to rescue this baby bird, so we went to the shed and got a ladder, then Sara's dad saw us and told us to put the ladder back. His exact words were "Uh..uh".

After putting the ladder up, we decided we would mess around in the pasture. While in the pasture, we saw coyote tracks. Gabi got scared, but me and Sara kept on. We walked way out into the pasture to see where Sara's pond was going to be...we walked very far and it was very hot.

Then Gabi suggested that we go to her pasture and we did.
Then Gabi was like, "I don't know if we should." I was like, "That's because you ain't got one." Then she said, "oh, want to bet $10?" Gabi didn't want to cross Sara's fence because she was afraid of the cows! Once we got to Gabi's pasture (which we had to wait, cause Gabi walked all around the fence) we found lots of bones. Then Gabi said, "Give me $10." I said, "No, I tongue crossed!" Then we stumbled across three lizards. Everytime we saw one we would scare them away with our loud voices. So, I decided that instead of yelling, that we would pop our butts to let the others know we had seen a lizard.
We almost got a lizard, but Sara stepped on it's tail, and it ran because it's tail fell off!

We went back to Sara's and that's when my mom showed up. I thought beer was Coca Cola! Gross!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

The night off the Museum

now we are back.While I was gone I had things to do...So we continue are were back and fin ally the old man opened the Dore . And so many people ran in! Wait gotta go!