Monday, December 28, 2009


Hello I am Annie Skylar Trujillo and I have a very important message. Me Annie Skylar Trujillo(at or as for short) have invented a new word or shorting for the word uh see well its kind-a like VIP but VIFP Very Important Facebook Person unlike Very Important Person and I need your help my fine fine people.YOU YES YOU the one sitting in front of the computer you need to spread this and say Annie Skylar Trujillo of Wink and Prairie Queen made this.Thank you very much.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

I gave a hobow some flowers ok!Well mom thought it was a good idea.She told me that Doranego bloged about it that the flip over chair and charp was a hobows house well there was a beer can down the but that was all.So are way along the trial we started to pick flowers well aculy I did no one ells. So when we got to the streem there was a botle in the streem. It would be purfit to put the flowers in for the hobow. So I clid on the slipery mouse thank God that i dint fall.I qiwly grabed the botel and throow it tword my bother that was spost to cach it but you can never trust a tester. it floated back down the steam. so I had to go to the other side my mom said to take my shose of and go in the stream.Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh so cold never again will I jump in to a streem I grabed the botel and made my way up as fast as I could finaly I got to mom and she took the botel and put the flowers in it.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Puff of Purple Smoke Part II

Then I remembered to water my plants. Forgetting the rose bush, I walked outside and grabbed my hose and turned on the water. As I watered my plants and went to the area the rose bush was, it was gone! I was so confused, why wasn't it there?

Startled, I walked to the left side of my land watering my Orange tree. I noticed that the rose bush was back! I went to where the rose bush was and looked at it. Confused and scared, I went and turned off my water and went back into my house.

I finished packing my things and left. When I arrived at the airport, I looked for a parking space and went inside. Looking at the big chart, my plane was going to leave in five minutes, so I hustled to the plane and took my seat.

When I arrived in Florida I looked around and saw a hotel so I called a taxi and took off. I got to the hotel and unpacked my things. As I sat down and took my shoes off, I heard a big noise. I looked out the window and saw a plane coming right at me! I had no choice, but to jump out the window. I looked down and saw the pool, "yes,"
I said, "the pool will break my fall." I jumped. Air slapping my face, heart racing before I even had the chance to think, I slammed into the water. "Ouch!" I yelled.

My car keys fell and bounced on my head and into the pool. As I swam down to get my car keys, a man came floating down with a parachute on his back. He said, "If you want to live, come with me." I hesitated. "Are you coming or not?" he said.

"I...I don't know," I said in a jittery voice. I walked toward him and he gave me a towel. "Who are you?" I asked. "I was the rose bush." "What?" I questioned.

"I hid in the rose bush."

"Ohh!" I exclaimed. "Where are we going?"

"It's hard to explain. You're going back home." "Why?" I asked. "Knowing too much of your future could be dangerous. See you in twenty years. Goodbye."

"Wait! What?" Poof! I was back on my couch. "Woah," I said.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Puff of Purple Smoke

I awoke on a sunny day. When I got enough energy to get up and change my clothes, I went outside to meet my dogs. As they licked my face, I petted them with great pleasure. We have three dogs, one is very short, she is a munchkin. Some people think we call her a munchkin because she's small, but it's actually a real type of dog. Then, we have the pack leader, she's a rottweiler. Finally, we get to the short, chubby one. I'm not so sure what he is. So, anyway, I went for a walk and saw a sign in big letter's "GARAGE SALE". I went down to the garage sale. There were so many things, then I saw a small, round box and for some reason it made me happy.

I bought it and went home with it in my hands. When I got home I went and sat on the couch. I looked at the box very closely and saw a latch. I pulled it then a big, smokey, purple cloud appeared and I saw the future.

I was working at the CIA and received a letter for a cruise to Florida. I told my boss and asked if I could leave early. He said yes. So, I went back to my desk and got all my things and went home. As I arrived at my enormous house, I went inside and started to pack my things. Then I noticed something in my yard, a rose bush that's never been there before.

To be continued...

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Annie Gets A Note From Don Young

Annie got her inspiration for the prairie restoration project from viewing photos and reading notes from Don Young on the Eyes On Texas website. She added the Friends of Tandy Hills website as one of her things that makes her happy on her blog. You can see it over there on the right. Today, Annie had lots of home work, she completed it while in the car. You're probably wondering why I didn't just take her home, well...yesterday she decided on the lots she wanted to work on. The City of Wink called and said they needed to talk to us. We went there right after school. Annie found out that the two lots we've inquired about and put money up for doesn't have a clear title. The owners are unknown. The money she spent was for back taxes, but this still doesn't have us the land outright. We have to go to the abstract office and get a title search so as to own the land without any problems. This little setback had Annie feeling all kinds of blue, but then I got an email from Don Young:

The Princess of Wink loves Tandy Hills-

The west Texas town of Wink isn't known for much except as being one of the hottest places in the USA, the hometown of Roy Orbison and a pair of giant sinkholes caused by oil and gas drilling. But Wink is also home to a very special young lady named Annie (sometimes known as the Princess of Wink). Even though she lives 350 miles from Fort Worth and has not yet been to Tandy Hills, nine year old Annie has become inspired by THNA. She saved her money to buy some vacant lots on which to plant her own prairie. Read about Annie's prairie project at her mother's blogsite.

This short little note from Mr. Young,
had Annie feeling all better. She really
enjoyed all the photos he sent and picked
this one as her favorite. I tell Annie that
things worth having and protecting aren't
always easy to do. We go through adversity,
some times to prove our hardiness and our commitment.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Prairie Project Cleanup

Annie's very excited about her prairie restoration project and today she spent some time cleaning up one of the lots. She's decided to concentrate her efforts on two this year and get them under way, and then add a couple more lots each year depending on the success of papa and mama prairie.

One of the lots is right next door to our house. It's the empty lot that houses our water well and fruit trees. We have a Pear tree and two Apple trees. Today, Annie picked up old wood, metal scraps and trash. She also picked up big rocks to get the land ready for tilling in a month or so depending on the first freeze.

From what Annie has read, the process is to till the ground, exposing the existing roots of the things you don't want growing there. During the winter, since the roots are exposed, this unwanted vegetation will die off, allowing for a clean barren plot to plant on in the Spring.

The second lot of choice wasn't a $10 lot. This lot was a bit more, but well worth it. It's

got some nice features, such as an existing little shed, which Annie is planning on painting some vibrant color. A fence surrounds the back part of the lot. The little plot also has two parts which Annie plans on making the smaller section a sitting area with a few stone benches.

Annie got a great comment today which I'll share:

John Snowden said:

Annie: What a beautiful sentiment for such a young girl! I firmly believe God invented prairie grass so He could listen to His own voice playing on the wind, and reassure us that there are good things in the world. I suggest that you ask your mother to take you along the nearest railroad tracks, but safely, and look for grasses with real windmills on top. That would most likely be Hooded Windmillgrass, a really neat, native prairie grass for your area. Get some seeds, and maybe get some transplants in the winter and nurture them with some water next spring. They will grow nicely! The Grassman, Arlington

Friday, June 5, 2009

Thursday, May 14, 2009


Look on my blog everyone my dog can do tricks. Theres bed time story and sit and look into space
like a idiot and that's it.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Running in the Heat

Wink held its yearly Pee Wee track meat. All the classes were sitting on the football field like every year, but this year there were canopys. That shooldnt be a big deal. But it was becaus it was really really really really hot. It was so hot you could fry an egg on the sidewalk (i've tryed that before) .

I had a good time. I got lots of 2nd places and a 3rd place and a 4th place. My broter said he was going to disone me because I didn't get a first. So, I'm planning to be mean to him when he lest expecs it.

My favorite heat was the 300 m...Tristan's was the quarter relay. I liked the 300 becaus I passed up two girls and came in 2nd. My other favorite part was eating the snacks that mom bought for me...mmm...limon chips. Overall, it was a really fun day, but really hot.

Monday, May 4, 2009

A Day With Friends in the Pasture

I went to my friend's Sara's house...she has a big cow pasture out back behind her house. When you think of pastures, you might get an image in your head of rolling green hills, but not so in West's quite a barren desert, cactus, and dirt...lots of dirt.

We started off with icecream and then we went outside to Sara's old house. We played around in there for a little bit, until Sara asked if we wanted to see something cool. Gabi and I were all for it. She told us that we were going to rescue this baby bird, so we went to the shed and got a ladder, then Sara's dad saw us and told us to put the ladder back. His exact words were "Uh..uh".

After putting the ladder up, we decided we would mess around in the pasture. While in the pasture, we saw coyote tracks. Gabi got scared, but me and Sara kept on. We walked way out into the pasture to see where Sara's pond was going to be...we walked very far and it was very hot.

Then Gabi suggested that we go to her pasture and we did.
Then Gabi was like, "I don't know if we should." I was like, "That's because you ain't got one." Then she said, "oh, want to bet $10?" Gabi didn't want to cross Sara's fence because she was afraid of the cows! Once we got to Gabi's pasture (which we had to wait, cause Gabi walked all around the fence) we found lots of bones. Then Gabi said, "Give me $10." I said, "No, I tongue crossed!" Then we stumbled across three lizards. Everytime we saw one we would scare them away with our loud voices. So, I decided that instead of yelling, that we would pop our butts to let the others know we had seen a lizard.
We almost got a lizard, but Sara stepped on it's tail, and it ran because it's tail fell off!

We went back to Sara's and that's when my mom showed up. I thought beer was Coca Cola! Gross!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

The night off the Museum

now we are back.While I was gone I had things to do...So we continue are were back and fin ally the old man opened the Dore . And so many people ran in! Wait gotta go!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009


you now that story i told about well this is the first chapter.


ell the are the names of are heroes Annie:smart one William:brain is melted because of cartoons. And other heroes are involve but not here yet.

We start at a museum the dinosaurs lay dead and just dead they lay.And the saber lay stuffed they say well I like it that way!And so we come to a morning were we stay until the next old man come to open the museum you see it took long time and i mean long for that tiny old man to open that door with that key to fit in that tiny old lock. And so we stay at this point until the next day...

Monday, April 27, 2009

Building A Dog Shelter---8yr old style

Hi! My name is Annie and I'm 8 years old. I love animals and want to rescue as many as I can. My mom said that it was okay for me to build a shelter. I invited my friend, Tristan, over to help me. So far, we have the floor built. You might not think building a floor is hard work, but it is! Especially when it's really hot outside and when I keep missing the nail...ugh!

I'll keep you posted on the progress of my shelter. My friends and I are also writing a funny book. We have many chapters already written and I will put those on here too.

Annie is no longer in the house.