Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Annie Gets A Note From Don Young

Annie got her inspiration for the prairie restoration project from viewing photos and reading notes from Don Young on the Eyes On Texas website. She added the Friends of Tandy Hills website as one of her things that makes her happy on her blog. You can see it over there on the right. Today, Annie had lots of home work, she completed it while in the car. You're probably wondering why I didn't just take her home, well...yesterday she decided on the lots she wanted to work on. The City of Wink called and said they needed to talk to us. We went there right after school. Annie found out that the two lots we've inquired about and put money up for doesn't have a clear title. The owners are unknown. The money she spent was for back taxes, but this still doesn't have us the land outright. We have to go to the abstract office and get a title search so as to own the land without any problems. This little setback had Annie feeling all kinds of blue, but then I got an email from Don Young:

The Princess of Wink loves Tandy Hills-

The west Texas town of Wink isn't known for much except as being one of the hottest places in the USA, the hometown of Roy Orbison and a pair of giant sinkholes caused by oil and gas drilling. But Wink is also home to a very special young lady named Annie (sometimes known as the Princess of Wink). Even though she lives 350 miles from Fort Worth and has not yet been to Tandy Hills, nine year old Annie has become inspired by THNA. She saved her money to buy some vacant lots on which to plant her own prairie. Read about Annie's prairie project at her mother's blogsite.

This short little note from Mr. Young,
had Annie feeling all better. She really
enjoyed all the photos he sent and picked
this one as her favorite. I tell Annie that
things worth having and protecting aren't
always easy to do. We go through adversity,
some times to prove our hardiness and our commitment.

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