Saturday, January 9, 2010

listen subjects!!!!!!

Well I have made at least 4 blogs and no one has posted a coment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!So please subjects spred my word or eles...Now I well rite a nice story for your injoyment ONCE OPON A TIME a lone traveler on the enter net stumpeld on a blog called well nothing had no titel.The lone traveler read the blog and found it very nice and left no coment.He noticed it was very late so he crald in to his small sad bed and fell a sleep he woke up to fiind the sound of thumping.He got up and looked around.BAM BAM he said very loud and bold LEAVE NOW OR FACE ME.A hard cold slimy hand grabed hard around his leg.He fell to the ground and nocked out cold.The next day he found him self with no legs and no arms.ernnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnt.A thing fell apoun him It reeked so bad it awoke a green thing.The man screamed he fellet a hard tug in his stumick and Now in the coment you finish the story!!!!!


Anonymous said...

The man with no arms & legs pulled up his shirt with his teeth to find out what was tugging at his stomach. What he noticed was that the tugging was coming from the inside! On the inside pushing out, the force pushed his stomach wall out very far causing an intense pain! The man could only do what he could and that was to remove the foreign object from his stomach. But he had no arms or legs was he going to do this?

Cheap Tricks and Costly Truths said...

He scrunched his stomach and after three painful hours it fell out.Just about then the monsters or green thing was just about to have her minions attack!But then the thing got up and screeched the minions stoped and ran away.The thing said in a high voice LEAVE A COMENT!!!!The man woke up in bed with arms and legs again and always left a coment.

Durango said...

Howdy Annie---
I don't know why you say you have no comments. I see at least 2, maybe 3. Has your mommy recovered yet from you leading her up those Tandy Hills so fast?

Cheap Tricks and Costly Truths said...

Hello Durango!
Hey I was left bihind in the hiking trales. I don't know she does not soned good.


Ward in the Woods said...

Glad to see the arms and legs,
much needed to run in the kitchen
and grab choolate-chip cookies.
Mine also have pecans and i will
turn green if i don't stop eating

Cheap Tricks and Costly Truths said...

Green and moaning with a belly ache! Must stop eating chocolate chip cookies...must drink milk now.

TXsharon said...

The man's stomach grew larger and larger until the skin on his stomach began to split. Something wet and slimy struggled through the split skin, writhing and wiggling. Eventually a withered creature emerged from the gash and the empty shell of the man's body fell away.

The creature warmed itself in the sun and little by little, the creature began to take the familiar shape of the man, complete with arms and legs. This enlightened man went forth through the internet "tubes" leaving insightful comments for the enjoyment of others.

Anonymous said...

I seldom leave comments on blog, but I have been to this post which was recommend by my friend, lots of valuable details, thanks again.